Talks on Manchester Women 2022
31, JanExplore the history of Manchester women during your lunchtime with these online talks.
A new series of online talks for 2022 tells stories of Manchester women of the past. Each talk highlights a particular woman or group in the city's past.
The next talk is on Wednesday 23 March
Elizabeth Thompson and maternity care in 1790s Manchester
Hear how a caesarean operation in 1799 caused controversy in Manchester, and about the mother, Elizabeth Thompson. Discover the background of changing maternity care in 1790s Manchester with the opening of the Lying-in Hospital (later, St Mary's) and the role of midwives and 'men-midwives'.
Warning that the talk includes stories of maternal and baby loss.
Book through eventbrite using this link.
Elizabeth Thompson and maternity care in 1790s Manchester.
Wednesday 23 March 12 noon - 1pm
Previous talks:
Madam Chester and Manchester's 19th Century sex workers
Hear how Manchester's female sex workers were viewed in the 1800s, from the records of medics, moralizers, the media, and law-enforcers. We'll look at the poverty and stigma for women selling sex in Manchester's slums. But the talk will also highlight the personal account of Madam Chester, who catered to wealthy and powerful Manchester men.
The talk contains adult themes. Book through eventbrite using this link
Madam Chester and Manchester's 19th Century sex workers.
Wednesday 9 February 12 noon - 1pm
Talks coming soon
Future talks tell the stories of Manchester women who were campaigners, entrepreneurs, suffragists, suffragettes, writers, artists, computers, religious leaders, scientists, sportswomen, murderers, abolitionists, environmentalists, politicians, radicals, philanthropists...