Update on tours - June 2020

Update on tours - June 2020

24, Jun Philippa Vishnyakov

An update on tours for 2020

Many businesses in England are reopening, and at the time of writing, six people are allowed to meet outdoors, at a distance.

As an accredited Green Badge Guide for Manchester, I am an associate of several professional bodies, including the Institute of Tourist Guiding which has released guidelines specifically for resuming tours. You can read this on their website https://www.itg.org.uk/news-and-events/institute-news/covid-19-guidance-for-guides/

However, I will not be starting tours or netwalks again just yet, given the ongoing risk to health. In my view, I would not be able to deliver my type of tours sufficiently safely for guests and the wider public, to the high quality that I would want.

Each guide will take their own view. You may see tours on a small scale in coming weeks, particularly in locations with greater space. Qualified Green and Blue Badge guides will be working hard to put the new guidelines into practice – please be tolerant, give them a wide berth and remember many have been without any income for many months.

I look forward to resuming tours when I judge it is safer to do so and when guests will be able to relax and enjoy the experience. I have some new themes that I am excited to reveal. Until then, do keep reading my blogs on Manchester history. Stay safe.

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